Aadhaar News for NRIs and OCIs! India Simplifies Rules and Introduces Specific Forms

Now NRIs and OCI cardholders are eligible to obtain an Aadhaar Card given they fulfil certain criteria. The government of India has brought new Aadhaar rules to make it easier and simpler for them. Hence, Non-Resident Indians and Overseas Citizens of India are required to use specified forms to enroll for an Aadhaar Card. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) introduced separate forms for non-resident Indians under the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Amendment Regulations, 2024 to eliminate confusion with resident Indians.

First things first, is it mandatory for NRIs to have an Aadhaar Card? Well, all overseas Indians holding an Indian passport are eligible for the Aadhar program, but applying for the 12-digit Aadhar ID is an individual choice as far as non-residents are concerned. It must be noted that they need a valid identity proof issued by the Indian Government such as Aadhaar to make any financial transactions in the country.

Aadhaar news for NRIs, how OCI cardholders apply for Aadhaar, new Aadhaar forms for overseas Indians

PC: Businessleague.in

As an NRI, if you seek Aadhaar for yourself or your minor children, you can apply any time you travel back to your homeland. You can visit an Aadhaar Seva Kendra (service center) to complete the registration and biometric verification process. Your valid Indian passport is a sufficient proof of identity (in fact the only accepted ID proof) for Aadhaar enrolment. However, a birth certificate is a must for applicants born on or after October 1, 2023, as per India’s new Aadhaar rules for NRIs.

Also, the latest amendment necessitates periodic update of individual information on their Aadhar document. Once every 10 years, Aadhar holders including NRIs must update their current address and other information in the centralized database. You can now do this online (through official website or mobile app) or offline (at an Aadhar enrolment center) as per your convenience.

New Aadhaar Enrolment/Update Forms for NRIs

UIDAI has introduced 9 forms for residents and overseas Indians. The form you need to fill for Aadhar enrolment/update depends on whether your address is in India or outside the country and the age group you fall in.

Form 1 and Form 3 are for applicants (both residents and non-residents) with a valid proof of address in India. Form 1 is the Aadhar enrolment/update form for those above 18 years of age while Form 3 is for enrolling children aged between 5 and 18 years.

Form 2 and Form 4 are specifically introduced for NRIs who apply for Aadhar enrolment/update with an address proof outside of India. Form 2 is applicable for NRI adults and Form 4 is for NRI children aged between 5 and 18 years.

You can also enroll children below 5 years and for this, you need to access separate forms – Form 5 (if the address is in India) and Form 6 (if the address is outside India).

Aadhaar Forms for OCI Cardholders

Earlier, Overseas Citizens of India were not eligible for an Aadhaar Card. After the government clarified that Aadhaar does not certify one’s citizenship, OCIs have been added to the categories of overseas Indians eligible for Aadhaar. However, there is a condition. Minimum 182 days of stay in India in a calendar year is compulsory for OCI cardholders to apply for an Aadhaar Card.

Applicants above 18 years, among OCI cardholders, should use Form 7 for Aadhaar enrolment. Form 8 is for OCI cardholders under 18 years. Their application without a valid email ID will be rejected.

And during the enrolment process, you must not fail to provide your email address. It must be noted that UIDAI doesn’t support international numbers and thus you wouldn’t receive any SMS/text notification regarding your Aadhar if you provide a non-Indian phone number.

56 thoughts on “Aadhaar News for NRIs and OCIs! India Simplifies Rules and Introduces Specific Forms

  1. Santosh

    It would help us with the process of applying for Aadhar and step by process with respective links would help us.

  2. Pico

    The gist for OCI holders is that if you don’t live in India, for at least six months of the year, don’t bother to apply.

    • Gajendra patel

      I am u s a citizen I have O C I card holder How I get aadhar card I have pan card

      • Shailesh

        IF you do not live in INDIA for More than 181 days (6 months continuous ), then ONLY you can apply for Aadhar card. There is a confusion, each year you have to live in India for 181 days continuously??)
        If you do not wish to live more than 6 months at a stretch, you do not qualify for Aadhar card)

        • surjit singh

          Without adhar card to do somethings are difficult, like buying car. Some hotel only book you if you have adhar card.

          • Sameer Pandey

            I am UK citizen and an OCI card holder since 2011. While Aadhar was being launched, I was in India visiting family. I went to see the nearest Aadhar Application center to help my dad submit his application and the person at the center also applied my aadhar card. Although, I have not used my Aadhar card, I have one. Later I learned by 185 days stay rule in India, however it was too late. Not sure if I should start using my Aadhar card, as its already with me. Any advise?

  3. Ani_Cute

    That’s not for people with OCI , since India needs you to be in country for 182 days. Self contradictory statement it’s for OCI people OCI means Overseas Citizens of India and then India wants you to be 182 days. Moreover if Adhaar doesn’t gives you Citizenship then there should not be requirement of 182 days stay

    • Jitu


      Besides they should also make a online procedure for changing Aadhar info based on other country citizenship or change of other info for new & existing Aadhar number holder.

    • Arun K

      The way I understand the new rule: A person with an OCI card, who chooses to live in India on a long-term basis (182 days or more) is eligible to apply for the Aadhar card.


    For OCI 182 days stay in India rule doesn’t make any sense. In other words it sounds like nice way to say NO to Aadhar card. If Govt. really offering then ease the condition and be practical. Anyway it’s no use.

    • indianeagle Post author

      Hi Yogesh! Many senior citizens who hold OCI cards live more than 182 days in a calendar year in India. Many kids born to NRIs in foreign countries are initially reared by their grandparents in India. They are eligible for an Aadhaar Card.

    • Ravichandran Kaushika

      Yogesh ji,

      You are absolutely right about that 182 day rule – they could have said GTH.

      We cannot JIO sim card without an AADHAR card immediately. If you bring the US passport, OCI etc, they will take 5 business days to give you one.

      I found JIO has the best international roaming enabled at no extra cost. INR 2.00 to call India from the foreign land and vice-versa. Other carriers charge you arm and leg to have the number working overseas.

      Even though there are rules telling that they cannot demand an AADHAAR card, they will say, I do not know how to enter it in the system for foreigners…

      • Mavji Rabadia

        If have to make financial transaction you can not do so,without adare card. One is not able to stay in india for182 days to apply for the card .what do you do?

    • Dharmesh

      I agree, what is the point of 180 days stay….It would be much better to give Adhar card and add addresses for both places. Please help raise the voice to remove this condition for OCI for at least people who born in India and went school their they should give to them without staying 180 days. It will help government for tracking as well.

      • Ishfaq JALAL

        Hello All.
        I am foreign national I am Married to an Indian 2 years before. And I was stayed in India for more then 1 year. Even we have not been granted Marriage certificate. Am I eligible for an Aadhaar Card?. My wife is still living in India.

      • kanagesan Jayakumar

        Dharmesh I support your views. I am one such person. I am a 10 years Indian Navy veteran. Discharged from services a year after 1972 war. I was in active service during Bangladesh liberation. My love for my motherland hasn’t diminished one bit by being OCI card holder. It is so unfortunate that the government looks at this issue differently. There are so many veterans like me living abroad because of family situations and commitments. Hope the government rethinks the issue at hand.

        As a closing note, I am yet to receive my 1972 war medal. I didn’t get it because it was announced after I left the service on completion of my 10 year term.

  5. Amar Reddy

    Basically, new rules make it nearly impossible for OCI holders to get an Aadhar card. Then why bother to change the rules?

    • Arun K

      Not necessarily. A person with an OCI card, who decides to live in India for a long term (182 days or more) is now eligible to apply for Aadhar. Previously, only Indian citizens could apply for Aadhar.

    • indianeagle Post author

      Hi Amar! Many senior citizens who hold OCI cards live more than 182 days in a calendar year in India. Many kids born to NRIs in foreign countries are initially reared by their grandparents in India. They are eligible for an Aadhaar Card.

  6. Sanjeev Desai

    What is the difference between NRIs and OCIs? Aren’t all OCI passport holders NRIs? If so, then could we qualify under NRI category? If yes, what documents are needed? I guess OCI passport won’t fly. We do not have any other Indian passport. Is that mean NRIs are the green card holders only who still possess Indian passports?

    • indianeagle Post author

      Hi Sanjeev! OCIs are foreign citizens of Indian origin. OCI Card is a type of lifetime visa granted to those born to Indian immigrants/NRIs in a foreign country and those who have renounced their Indian citizenship.

    • Aru

      OCI’s are persons of Indian origin who hold the citizenship of some other country and to facilitate their travel to India they are provided with life time visa for entry to India, whereas, NRI’s are Indians living in a foreign country having Indian passport and live on foreign soil with permanent resident status or work visa and they do not require visa to enter India

  7. Ravichandran Kaushika

    I downloaded the Form 7 and we have to declare that we have stayed for 182 days. If any information is found to be incorrect, then the person who signed is liable for legal action against them and cancellation of OCI card.

    very funny rule.

  8. Krish

    Being NRI i don’t have access to old india phone number, is there any form we can use to update the phone number through online?

  9. Baiju

    Haven’t heard such nonsense rules for OCIs to obtain Aardhar, They want OCIs money, investment and representation, but you have to stay 180 days to apply for Aadhar Card, does that mean one must give up his monthly salary for 6 months to obtain Aadhar, Who is the stupid making such nonsense rules.

  10. Helen

    As an NRI, what if the address on the passport is not the same anymore? The house is sold but the address change hasn’t been made.

  11. Ravinder

    Hi IndianEagle, 3 years ago I purchased an apartment in a multi-storeyed building in Rajasthan that I paid off fully. I could provide ownership papers, proof of apartment maintenance payments, electricity bill with address etc in my name (no Indian co-owners or co-residents). I have OCI and an Indian bank account. I visit India but live there under 182 days in a year. I live in the U.S., and I am a US citizen, Can I get an Aadhaar card, which forms must I fill, can IndianEagle help?

      • Ravinder

        I read it again. The law has changed for non-resident Indians – they do not have to be a resident for 182 days. Nothing has changed for OCI – they still have to be resident for 182 days. And when India first gave out OCI for all purposes -except voting etc – OCI was to be equal to Indians and NRIs.

  12. Sadanand Bali

    I an NRI, I have two children under 18 years ,my family have Aadhaar Card issued in the year 2013, but now I need to update my residential address in India into Aadhaar card. I have not updated my Indian phone number which was entered into Aadhaar card at the time of Enrolment, now, I need to update my change of address in india into Aadhaar .
    How do I do it? At present I can provide my brother’s Mobile number and my email ID, for this do i need to give Biometrics again??

    • indianeagle Post author

      Hi Sadanand! The change of address requires an address proof (with your name) and biometric verification.

  13. P S Balaji

    Presently AP Govt. Registration de
    partment refuses to register sale of property of OCI stating that they do not produce aadhar card.
    They also do not have Indian passport. Some OCIs were in abroad before introduction of aadhar rules. The properties purchased long back with out production of aadhar card

    Leaving back their jobs and family how they can stay here for 182 days

    What to do with such ptoperty in India without aadhar card.

  14. Stefania Yanakieva

    How do we understand the calendar year? If I am an OCI and I have lived in India from let’s say 1 July 2023 to 31 Dec 2023 (6 months) but I decided to apply for an Aadhar card on 2 Jan 2024 is the 6 months of the previous year count or again I need to stay for half a year in India count from1 Jan 2024?

    • HP

      It is NOT calendar year. OCI holder must stay in India for a total of 182 days (not necessarily continuous) in the last 365 days at the time of applying for Adhaar card. Also, the processing itself can take up to 90 days (according to their instructions) and you may get a call from a government official for verification any time during those 90 days. So, that means you have to plan on staying in India for 90 days from the day of OCI application as it possible that you may be asked to pay a visit to a local office and produce your passport showing all the entry and exit stamps as a proof of at least 182 days stay in the last 365 days.

  15. Kevin

    There is a big plan behind this to track your financial status thenafter the government will introduce tax on foreign currency and you will be liable to pay it if you refuse, you’ll not be allowed to enter the country. This is how modi government and Reliance is planning. At some point in the future we all Indians living abroad will be slaves to these rogues and dictatorship will be fully blown all over no one will get a chance to speak up and we are heading towards a misery not too far to see our doomsday.

  16. Kramer

    These OCI/NRI rules are stupid to say .They only continue to harass the Indian diaspora ,It is obvious they only want the foreign money and never bother how these rules harm the Indian diaspora by stipulating conditions like 182 days minimum stay in India etc .

    • Mayank

      You are right.. They don`t know what they are doing. Top officials are trying to make it good but at some stage, I feel India is so big with varieties of Brains. Local office staff do not have proper information or training. I went to 3 different cities in Gujarat for an Adhar card and all 3 cities in Gujarat offices have different views about the Adhar card for OCI/NRI. Need more training so only one statement should go out for a particular case and learn to say
      ” I don`t know”.

  17. Bhagya Shroff

    182 days live in India – does not applicable to NRI. It is really hard to explain at Aadhar Center. They said that this rule is for everyone who are not living in India. Can we have some evidence which can show them? Please share

  18. ND

    Once you stay 182 days in a calendar year, you will be not be considered as Non-Resident Indian for Income Tax Filing and will be taxed as normal Indian Resident. Rules need to be aligned with other statutory bodies to serve its purpose.

  19. Mini

    I was an Indian national with aadhaar card. I became Canadian last year and now I am an OCI residing in India since October 2021. I went to Canada for 3 months last year for citizenship ceremony..
    Do I have to surrender my aadhaar and pancard and apply for new one?? Or I can keep my old aadhaar and pancard? Pls guide

  20. Insiya

    My daughter who is 22yrs old. With whom I leave her in India just to obtain aadhar card, and what about her education for 182 days???
    As for my mother who is 81yrs, unable to travel to India. She cannot cover long distances. Past 5yrs have not travelled. What about her. How I obtain aadhar card?????

  21. =va

    i have applied for my aadhar card in october 2023, till date havent recieved it till date, evertime i call it says within 6months is there a possibility of assistance, tried calling , emailing but nothing till now

  22. Anandaraj

    NRI/OCI holders do not have tge right to vote. In order to on must produce Adhaar Detail/Card. If as per this article, if anbNRI/OCIs apply and obtain the Adhaar Card…Will that individual be allowed to vote????

  23. Amit Chaturvedi

    Nothing explained for indian origin residing in Nepal having ancestral property in India. There is no visa required between these two countries .

  24. Vijay.Bakshi

    How can an OCI fulfil the condition of staying in India for 182 days in a calender year. I want to have aadhar card and am happy to find out Indian Government’s plan but does not seem practical to stay that long in India. I have a job and many will have businesses. My request is to please relook into this long stay of 182 days in india.

  25. R

    How can an OCI fulfil the condition of staying in India for 182 days in a calender year. I want to have aadhar card and am happy to find out Indian Government’s plan but does not seem practical to stay that long in India. Can the rule be removed by the Government which will help lots of OCI card holders

  26. Uttam Jain

    If Aadhar card is not certify citizenship then there is no point putting 181 day condition. It should be given to OCI holder as if they are indian resident. I am struggling for last 4 year to take out my PF (while I was working in India) since I do not have Aadhar card. I already lost equal amount in Interest for last 10 years and running from pillar to post to apply offline PF withdrawl.

  27. sunny

    How does a foreign worker/OCI holder work in India as employers now want adhaar card but you can’t get it unless you stay in India for 182 days. Thats 182 days without work so you can be eligible to work here ??? Very frustrating as India is going through this digital transformation..

  28. Suranjan Ray

    Hi, I and my wife are NRIs who live in the US with green cards. We are interested to apply and receive Aadhar cards. We own a flat in India and also home in the US. I have three questions: first, which address is to be mentioned in our application? Second, can we use our US phone number in the application? Third, can we receive our aAadar cards in US or they are mailed only to Indian address?

  29. ajay

    Idiotic indian rules as always, always making difficult for ordinary people to do simple thing or card while opening the market for grey market.

  30. Keyur Anjaria

    I think the situation needs to be looked at for OCIs. i am an OCI living in New Zealand, i have NZ citizenship, but have been unable to go back to India due to a very sick wife. i would HOPE that at some stage, they can get biometric verification in High Commissions and embassies AND relax the rules for OCIs so that we can get adhaar from our newly acquired home countries. its strange that the Govt wants to attract NRI investment, but does not want to make life simpler for them… !! seems a bit short-sighted.


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