Those who are flying to New Delhi, the capital of India, for Dussehra celebration are being awaited a high time over the upcoming travel film, photography and shopping festival at Dilli Haat, in the next month. The festival has touched international heights in terms of popularity though it is national to the core. Scheduled to be held from October 11 to 13 this year, Travelista, the Dilli Haat festival on the last few days of Navaratri celebration is like a cherry on the cake.
The Travelista travel film, photography and shopping festival has come alive as a confluence of art, culture, entertainment, history, food, fashion and shopping for travelers from across the globe. Travelista leads in global travel filmmaking, travel photography and travel journalism with a view to make traveling a fulfilling and life-enriching experience for everyone across geographies. Dussehra special Dilli Haat Festival is one of the most recent initiatives by Travelista to showcase the culinary, handicraft and shopping culture of India on a global platform.
Unlike the religious festivals of India, the upcoming Travelista festival at Dilli Haat is a cultural fair dedicated to whatever is Indian. The chief end of the fair is to highlight Indian art, fashion and heritage through the gripping articles, photographs and films contributed by domestic and international travelers. The best of travel films will be screened and the best of travel photography will be exhibited on the last three days of the festive week in New Delhi.
Besides, numerous stalls will be offering their merchandise of ethnic apparel, jewellery, accessories, home décor items and knickknacks for sale to visitors. Evidently, this New Delhi festival is a shoppers’ delight. Dilli Haat is a permanent shopping cum food plaza with open-air ambience. Shopping for ethnic fashion wear, chic gem accessories, camel hide footwear, brassware, delicately embellished metallic items and sophisticated silk fabric is a pleasure at this meeting point of artisans and craftsmen in New Delhi.
Dilli Haat remains open to public seven days a week and is at a very short drive from Indira Gandhi International Airport. The guaranteed lowest airfare to New Delhi at Indian Eagle is the best opportunity for the tourists of USA to fly to India and experience Indian culture.