Two Indians are in the list of potential successors for the most prestigious designation, CEO of Microsoft, the biggest software giant in the world. Satya Nadella and Vivek ‘Vic’ Gundotra are among the most identifiable successors to Steve Ballmer who currently holds the position of CEO at Microsoft. Steve Ballmer is about to retire within a year.
Hyderabad-born Satya Nadella is at the helm of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group as Executive Vice President. The Group has been continuing to thrive and churn out profits under his leadership. Nadella led the team that was responsible for the delivery of Cloud OS, Microsoft’s cutting-edge back-end platform, and contributed to the growth of mobile computing.
The empowerment of global enterprises with Cloud OS platform for their business-critical computing needs is credited to Satya Nadella. Also, the credit of having transformed business infrastructures through implementation of this Microsoft technology goes to him.
The other Indian is Vivek ‘Vic’ Gundotra, nominated as successor for the position of Microsoft CEO. A former employee of Microsoft, he is Senior Vice President, engineering at Google Inc. Gundotra is a leading player in the growth of Google’s mobile technology and the implementation of social initiatives. He is the brain behind Google +, too.
Microsoft is in neck-and-neck competition with Google and Apple, these days. So, identifying the right CEO is a challenge. However, the nomination of Satya Nadella and Vivek ‘Vic’ Gundotra for the first non-American Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft has made India proud of NRIs in the United States. Indian Eagle wishes them good luck. offers lowest airfare and books cheapest flights to India.