The 14th Mumbai Film Festival (MFF) took off to a flying start. Noted director Shyam Benegal’s speech opened the festival in the presence of the jury members. Fresh from the success of “English Vinglish”, Actress Sridevi inaugurated the festival by lighting the lamp.
The Mumbai Film Festival is divided into 9 sections: International Competition for the First Feature Films of Directors, World Cinema, Dimensions Mumbai Competition, India Gold Competition, Celebrate Age Competition, Retrospectives, Above the Cut , New Faces in Indian Cinema and The Real Reel.
This year a special award has been added for ‘Best Indian Film’ which will be judged by an international jury. Chinese director, Zhang Yimou was given the Lifetime Achievement Award.
‘Blancanieves’, Spain’s official Oscar Entry at the 85th Academy awards will be the Closing Film. The MFF is the third Film Festival in the world to showcase the 2012 black-and-white silent Spanish drama film directed by Spanish auteur Pablo Berger.
Australian feature film “Save Your Legs” based on cricket will premiere on 21st Oct. The comedy inspired by true events was filmed at Melbourne, Kolkata, Varanasi and Mumbai. The story revolves around Teddy Brown whose life revolves around his mates and their local Melbourne cricket club.
Over 230 movies with special event segments dedicated to French, Italian, Afghan and Indian cinema are also included.
The closing day will feature a special segment to mark the centenary year of Indian cinema. Specially handpicked silent films will be screened accompanied by live orchestra.