Home India Work from Beach Now a Possibility in Goa

Work from Beach Now a Possibility in Goa

Work from Beach in Goa
Source: Freepik

What exactly is the ideal work-from-home situation? A well-lit room with some indoor plants? A comfortable corner cozy enough for both work and mini-breaks? A room with a view of the hills or the beach? Or perhaps the beach itself.

Work from beach is what corporate dreams are made of or is it simply a far-fetched scenario possible for just wealthy CEOs. Well, kudos to the former and more. Work from beach is easily possible especially those willing to do so in India.

If you want to work from beach – Goa is the place to be in India. The reason: the government itself is initiating projects for the same.

Work from Beach – Goa

The initial phase of the plan consists of developing one beach in south Goa (Benaulim Beach) and two beaches in north Goa (Miramar and Morjim) for ‘Workation in Goa’ (as the popular term goes). The authorities will set up co-working spaces on these beaches complete with showers (what if you decided to go swimming in the ocean during your break!). Since millions of people are now working remotely; the state government wants to make Goa the hub for the same.

The Goan government has recognized the fact that IT capabilities in the state need to be more robust for ‘work from beach’ to be a successful initiative. Currently; the IT infrastructure in the state is not always optimal for system requirements of remote workers. The state government is, thus, planning to collaborate with TASK – the Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge on the same. It plans to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with TASK after the plan is all set.

Those who desire a more rustic setup for remote work will also have plenty of work from beach options in Goa. The government is planning to build plug-and-play shacks complete with Wi-Fi and other amenities. The proposed places for these shacks include beaches Baga and Calungute in the north and Colva, Benaulim, and Baina in the south.

Perhaps now you can’t wait to inquire about work from beach packages in Goa. But you will have to be a little patient for these ‘sun and sand’ workspaces to come up as planned. Although you can still work remotely in the state as there are plenty of good homestays in both north and south Goa with a full range of facilities. You can try work-from-Goa for a month, see what suits you and then switch it up easily. Best place to work in goa is any good beach and any good resort or homestay on that beach. Budget workation in Goa is also a possibility.

Before heading to Goa for your ‘workation’; ensure your work visa requirements are in place (for international visitors). For Indian nationals; the minimum requirement is to simply pack your laptops and head to your new office by the Arabian Sea.

If you search for remote work trends 2022 then work from beach may just about top the list and India is ideal for it.

Places to Work from Beach – India

  • Major beaches in Goa
  • Kochi, Varkala, and Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala
  • Gokarna in Karnataka
  • Chennai in Tamil Nadu
  • Vizag in Andhra Pradesh

Work from home in India doesn’t need to be boring or monotonous. Remote working offers opportunities to explore places and spaces not ‘remotely’ possible with on-site job situations. Why not take flights to India and enjoy the Goan hospitality amidst Zoom meetings, hurriedly finishing up that last part of the report, or just about anything else. Whether you enjoy your work or not; doing so it in Goa can definitely act as the balm for the frayed souls.

You can book best-priced flights to Goa from USA via Indian Eagle any time.


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